Moving is a task that everyone looks forward to but no one wants to actually conduct, as the idea of living in a new home is exciting but the thought of packing, moving boxes, and unpacking can be daunting. This is particularly true for seniors. If you are looking to move into the home you have purchased for your golden years, you may feel a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of lifting heavy boxes and pieces of furniture and trying to arrange all of your belongings at your new address. Even seniors who are in great shape are not quite as nimble as they once were, and this is only natural. The truth is, though, that the moving process does not always have to be super stressful. If you are looking for a way to make your move easier, read on for some great tips!

Tip 1: Stay organized throughout the process.

The stress of moving really starts to develop when things become disorganized. For instance, you might find yourself frantically throwing odds and ends into boxes in order to get everything done in time with the intention of organizing it all later. But if you take a systematic approach to the move from the beginning you won’t have to deal with this high degree of anxiety.

First, pack up each room one at a time. This way you can ensure that everything is in the right box before you move onto the next room and you can cross one area of your home off of your to do list (an activity that, though it may seem trivial, certainly goes a long way in feeling productive). Second, label all of your boxes with the room in which their contents belong. This will make it extremely simple when unloading, as you can just place the boxes in the corresponding room and unpack as you packed—one room at a time.

Tip 2: Pack strategically.

When packing, keep in mind that the goal is not just to get all of your belongings into boxes but to also move the boxes. As such, make sure you don’t make the boxes too heavy or use more than you need. A great idea is to invest in smaller boxes that stack easily, so you can carry two or more at a time without overloading yourself.
Take a minute to go over the belongings in each room before you start putting them in boxes and think about how you can pack them most efficiently. For instance, instead of doing one box for linens and another for picture frames, alternate frames and linens in one box. This will keep you from having to use bubble wrap or newspaper in between your frames and, as a result, save you time and money.

Tip 3: Know when to call for help.

Moving is a process that takes a great deal of time—and one that may test your physical limits. Make sure that you call in help if you need it, either by hiring professional movers or enlisting friends and family to assist. You will be glad that you did—and if you choose to work with friends and family you will benefit from some quality bonding time.
Moving is not always a fun task, but it is one that can be less stressful than you may think. Keep these tips in mind when preparing for your next move and you will find that your anxiety levels are surprisingly lower than anticipated!

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